State of progress of the works: Reclamation and permanent safety of the former Colle Frateantonio landfill

30 Jul 2024 - Quenching and tempering

State of progress of the works: Reclamation and permanent safety of the former Colle Frateantonio landfill

We are proud to publish the progress of the works regarding the "Reclamation and permanent safety of the former landfill located in Colle Frateantonio, in the municipality of Colosimi, owned by the Municipality of Bianchi (CS)".

Our team, made up of highly qualified professionals, significantly reduced execution times, completing the works necessary to make the landfill safe in just 80 days, compared to the 300 initially estimated. The main activities carried out during the works concern:

  • waste removal and transfer to a recovery plant: all waste present in the landfill has been removed and transferred to specialized plants for recovery.
  • The construction of transit paths and landfill fencing: two transit tracks were built for access to the landfill and the area was fenced to ensure safety.
  • The creation of the rainwater management network: a management network has been built to effectively manage rainwater, preventing flooding and erosion.
  • The construction of the gabionade at the foot of the landfill: gabions were installed to stabilize the base of the landfill and prevent landslides.
  • The creation of the evapotranspiration cover: a roof was constructed designed to reduce the percolation of water into the ground and improve the aesthetics of the area.

Eco-sustainable interventions

The works carried out were designed and built with particular attention to environmental sustainability, using recycled materials and eco-sustainable engineering solutions. Among these, the most relevant are:

  • A Greened Drainage Trench. This naturalistic engineering system for rainwater regulation was effectively integrated into the landfill, combining traditional drainage techniques with naturalistic engineering principles. The result is a system that manages rainwater flow, reduces erosion, improves water quality and integrates harmoniously with the surrounding environment.
  • The installation of the gabion “Ecobox”. To consolidate the slope, an electro-welded metal mesh gabion was used, which is highly draining and 100% recyclable. Furthermore, a surface of PRATI ARMATI® was inserted on the external part of the gabions, creating greenable gabions. This solution has the function of mitigating environmental impact, inserting it into the landscape and improving geotechnical functionality over time.
  • The evapotranspiration cover (ET Cover). This technology regulates the percolation of rainwater using the various components of the hydrological balance. The ET Cover promotes the renaturalization of the area, increases biodiversity and improves landscape aesthetics, reconnecting the area with the surrounding environment.

Environmental Sustainability and Innovation

A key element of the project was the replacement of the impervious clay layer with a draining bentonite geocomposite sheet. This material offers superior performance in terms of waterproofing and has made it possible to reduce execution times, quarry faces and CO2 emissions associated with transport and the use of mechanical means for laying and compacting the clay.

Planting and Environmental Protection

The ET cover involves the planting of some plant species but given the speed of execution of the works carried out by our team, with the conclusion of the activities during the summer months, to guarantee maximum effectiveness of the planting of the plateau and the slopes of the landfill, it was decided to postpone this last activity to the cooler months, avoiding the summer heat from damaging the vegetation. This decision was agreed with the Client and the Works Management with the aim of ensuring the survival and optimal growth of the trees and plants.


The reclamation and safety project of the former Colle Frateantonio landfill represents an important step forward for environmental protection. The use of eco-sustainable techniques and materials, together with the reduction of execution times, demonstrates our commitment to innovative and environmentally friendly solutions. We will continue to monitor and improve the area, ensuring a safer and more sustainable future for our country.

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