News for the category: Eni

Safety and environment: ENI Rewind assigns two bonus points to Icaro Ecology.

17 Apr 2023 - Environment, Quenching and tempering, Eni, Business, Legality, Safety, Sustainability

Respect for the #Safety and #Environment pact for a company represents a fundamental value for proving to be competitive and #sustainable. The safety of employees and the environment represents a positive image. For this reason, compliance with the Safety and Environment pact is a crucial element. In a world increasingly attentive to the sustainability and safety of #workers, companies like ours that demonstrate […]

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visitors to “Opinion Leader”

15 Feb 2019 - Eni, Interviews/debates

Opinion Leader, a journalistic in-depth broadcast edited by the Chiara Gela editorial staff, deals with topics of particular importance and interest for citizens and for the city of Gela. It does this through studio debates that become real reflection points to help the city. In the episode of February 14, 2019, it was […]

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The universities of Catania meets Icarus Ecology S.p.A.

16 Jan 2019 - Eni, Training

Icaro Ecology S.p.A. welcomed for a training the students of the 2nd year of Master of Science in the Environment and Territory Degree course of the University of Catania. A busy day full of content thanks to the support of the Eni Refinery in Gela. Students visited the tank's thermal desorption remediation site […]

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